The Craft of
Habit Transformation
In-person or Online Participation
October 5 & 6, 2024
at the Mountain Zendo
The Craft of Habit Transformation
This seminar kicks off the live practice course, Transforming Habits. The Saturday morning session is free of charge for anyone who is interested in the topic, but isn't sure about participating in the whole weekend or subsequent course. The full seminar is included in the course registration, or can also be attended separately from the course.
A note from Zenki Roshi:
Join me for a very practical seminar on how to study and transform your habits—the mental, physical, and emotional routines that shape your life.
When self-help books talk about habits, it's usually in the spirit of "being your best self." When we talk about habits as Buddhist practitioners, we do not entirely discount self-improvement, but our main interest is freedom.
The craft of transforming habits depends on the realization of two kinds of freedom. (1) There is the freedom of realizing that habits are insubstantial structures that collapse as soon as we don't repeat the underlying action. A Buddhist would say, "Habits are empty." (2) There is the freedom of knowing how to do the actions that most align with our truest intentions and then repeat them so they become reliably automated.
All this is easier said than done. We tend to identify with our habits and forget our freedom. And our desire for less-than-wholesome, short-term rewards easily comes into conflict with our truest intentions.
Let's dive in and gain a deeper understanding of what it takes to realize our freedom and express it through wholesome actions and habits.
Note: This seminar is included in the Transforming Habits Course but can be attended separately.
9:00 Arrival
9:30 Zazen
10:00 Seminar
11:00 Break
11:30 Seminar
12:30 Lunch (bring your own)
2:30 Zazen
3:00 Seminar
3:45 Break
4:15 Seminar
5:00 End
Seminar Fee:
$240 (in-person), $120 (online)
Benefactor Members: no additional payment required
Full Members have access to sliding scale pricing:
In-person: $240, $210, $175, $140
Online: $120, $110, $100, $90
We want everyone to have access to these teachings
in accord with their financial situation.
There is a limited number of scholarships available. Please inquire.
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